Friday, October 2, 2009

Dan Lloyd: Former Volunteer

Dan Lloyd hasn't volunteered for the Library for 5 years. He did volunteer for over ten years, working in the Sacramento Room, and with Federal Documents (which sends most people away, screaming). Being the persistent type, not willing to give up anything, he stayed with documents for thousands of hours. If it were not for Dan the Library would not have recognized many of the valuable items contained it its collection. When he moved to Arizona I pleaded with him to continue volunteering at the Library but he refused to ride his bike over the mountains more than once for the rest of his life. Sigh.

Well, Dan has finally ridden his bike over the mountains. He cycled in ten states this year, including California. For five weeks he would first drive to his destination, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cycle an average of 50 miles in each state. Over five weeks he drove 5,525 and bicycled 524.03 miles. He went through Arizona to Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, California, and Nevada.


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