Collection Development
You're a Librarian? You read a lot of books.
Actually, I read a lot of book reviews. (Or, used to.)
Selecting books to include in the Library is one of the best parts of the job. Concentrating on an area of the collection, to ensure it has current titles, gives tremendous value to the work of the Librarian. We are, after all, Librarians because we love books, love the written word, especially the well-written word.
Choosing what to include, with the help of fellow Librarians, has distinct advantages to the mission of the Library and the professionalism of the Librarian. An experienced Librarian will know the public served and select appropriate materials. But, selection also increases the Librarian's intimacy with the collection. We know what the collection contains because we have chosen the titles for it. We watch each title from book review, to selection, to addition and even shelving of the title. These several elements, functions, duties, are done to reinforce the memory of the Librarian for what is collectedv and shelved.
Here is the first critical function of the Librarian: choosing titles. Are you in charge of a diverse, multi-format collection. The need to review, select, add, does not diminish or disappear depending upon the format of the title. In fact, it may be more critical to maintain this level of control for the Librarian to develop the knowledge and experience necessary to know the collection with which they work.
Gerald F. Ward
Well articulated, and I agree.